Academy Description:
Students enrolled in this academy will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge in the rapidly growing area of arts and entertainment. This academy is geared towards live stage performance and the performing arts.
Academy strands include:
- Band/Orchestra
- Chorus
- Dance
- Drama
- Visual Arts
Academy Goals:
Dance, music, theatre, and the visual arts have endured in all cultures throughout time as a common basic language. The arts convey knowledge and meaning not learned through the study of other subject areas. Arts education offers students the opportunity to envision, set goals, solve problems, work collaboratively, and apply self discipline. As they study and create in the arts, students use the potential of the human mind to its full and unique capacity. The visual and performing arts are a vital part of a well-rounded educational program for all students.
Students explore and eventually major in one of the eight principal concentrations. Students choose and audition for either: Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Dance, Theatre, or Visual Arts.