Mr. Cox, Lead Teacher
The mission of the Engineering Academy for Student Excellence at American High School is to prepare students to enter into one of the sixteen fields of engineering. Problem solving and technological proficiency will serve as the foundation for developing and presenting creative innovations. Students will receive comprehensive instruction to prepare them to take advantage of any higher education opportunities that present themselves. The projects, competitions, industry certifications, internships, speakers, demonstrations, and course material will provide the skills for collegiate and career entry-level positions.
Students will join their predecessors in competitions with the Miami-Dade SECME Olympiad, the FIRST Robotics Competition, the TEN80 Racecar contest, the FIU Engineering Gala, the UM Build It Competition, the Society of Women Engineers Girls Day, the Construction Career Day, the VEX Robotics Competition, and the Miami STEM Olympiad.
The Engineering Academy for Student Excellence was initiated through the modules taught by Master Teachers in the SECME Summer institutes. These teachers communicated the need to better prepare instructors to motivate students to pursue careers in engineering. The Project Lead the Way curriculum provides the standardized guidelines and course materials that have been proven to inspire and support students through concepts and their applications, while also developing rigorous core training for qualified instructors to use as resources in their growth.
The Career Technical Education division of the Florida DOE is now the institution that will sustain Engineering Programs through professional development, funding, industry certification, and school accountability. It is with the support of these three organizations that EASE will train students to offset the lack of qualified trained engineers.