Visual Arts

The visual arts are art forms such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, filmmaking and architecture. Many artistic disciplines (performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts) involve aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types.

Visual Arts Objectives

  1. Create Art – Refers to the creating of art works, art vocabulary, skills development, and learning about the elements and principles of design.
  2. Demonstrate Aesthetic Perception – Focus upon acute awareness, well-developed observation, appreciation, taste, sense of beauty, intuitiveness, insight, and comprehension.
  3. Develop a Knowledge of Art Heritage – Delineates the expected outcomes of learning about cultures, individual artists, art masterpieces, and art careers.
  4. Utilize Critical Judgment of the Visual Arts – Refers to recognition of differences, evaluation, analysis, comparison, appraisal, and wisdom in artistic choices.


Visual Arts Standards provide a framework for students to:

  • Learn the visual arts by using a wide range of subject matter, symbols, meaningful images, and visual expressions.
  • Reflect their ideas, feelings and emotions.
  • Evaluate the merits of their efforts.

Visual Arts Standards also address these objectives by promoting the acquisition of:

  • New ways of thinking, working, communicating, reasoning, and investigation.
  • Enduring ideas, concepts, issues, dilemmas and knowledge.
  • New techniques, approaches, and work habit