“Bright Child vs. Gifted Learner” – Challenge Magazine Classic list form makes it easy to differentiate… |
“Characteristics of Giftedness” by Linda Kreger Silverman The characteristics associated with giftedness become apparent early in life. This list of descriptors has been used successfully… |
“Definitions of Giftedness” by Judith Hewton To find a satisfactory definition of giftedness it is necessary to understand its origins in the history of humankind… Terman’s longitudinal studies… the work of Hollingworth… |
“Giftedness as Asynchronous Development” by Stephanie Tolan It is vital to remember that giftedness (in childhood and beyond) is an internal reality, mental processing that is outside of norms. Achievement, as important as it is, is merely an expression of that mental processing |
“I Remember…” by Wendy Why identification of gifted children is SO important! |
“Is It a Cheetah?” by Stephanie S. Tolan The classic essay on the characteristics of a gifted child in a regular classroom |
“Parents are the best source of information about their children’s abilities” by John Worthington
“Parents are a highly accurate and reliable source of information about their children’s intelligence and abilities with most able to predict their child’s IQ to within a few points, according to a University of Queensland PhD study…” Also see A Longitudinal Study of Early Literacy Development and the Changing Perceptions of Parents and Teachers
“Self-test on giftedness (for adults!)” by the Rocamora School From general characteristics to entelechy to overexcitabilities, and more… |
“The Role of Grandparents in Talent Recognition and Development” by John Feldhusen
from Gifted Child Today.
The identification of gifts and talents is a long-term process. Tests and rating scale scores on one occasion can give us insights about the level of children’s abilities, but long range observations by parents, teachers, and grandparents can provide the information needed to clarify the nature and levels of children’s talents and pave the way to effective educational programs and services… |
An Interview with Dr. Edward R. Amend: About the Emotional Needs of Gifted Kids Meeting the educational needs of the gifted and talented child will also help their social and emotional adjustment. The research has been fairly clear in suggesting that the degree to which a gifted child’s educational needs are being met is an important factor in their overall adjustment… |
Analogy Anthology Many different analogies explaining gifted education… |
Distinguishing Myths From Realities Here’s a quiz to test the extent to which you can really identify what the research says… |
Gifted Children with Learning Disabilities: A Review of the Issues by Linda E. Brody and Carol J. Mills. Many people have difficulty comprehending that a child can be gifted and also have learning disabilities. As a result, children with special needs that result from both their high abilities and their learning problems are rarely identified and are often poorly served. This article explores the current policies and practices with regard to defining, identifying, and educating this population… |
Giftedness and the Gifted: What’s It All About? (ERIC digest #476) There are many misconceptions of the term, all of which become deterrents to understanding and catering to the needs of children identified as gifted |
How Do I Know If My Is Child Gifted? This is the $64,000 question, and Valorie King does a terrific job of answering it |
Is your child gifted? A quick checklist for kids of various ages, particularly useful with younger children… |
What is a Gifted Child? – trying to define the beast NSW Assn for Gifted & Talented Children Inc. A good question to start with… follow the links to Characteristics for a great set of checklists, Article Index, and much more… |
What Is Gifted? National Association for Gifted Children’s Parent Information summary… |
What We Have Learned About Gifted Children 1979-2009 Linda Silverman’s summary of 30 years of observations, including “Parents are excellent identifiers of giftedness in their children,” “the ideal age for testing is between five and eight years,” and “When parents fail to recognize a child’s gifts, teachers may overlook them as well,” ” Gifted children are asynchronous,” “Gifted children have better social adjustment in classes with children like themselves; the brighter the child, the lower the child’s social self-concept in regular classrooms,”… |