Summer Testing Dates: July 18-July 21, 2022 starting at 8AM
The information you provide will be used to register and schedule your EOC (A1/Geo/Bio/USH) on any of the above dates. You must be available that week as it is the ONLY time testing will take place. There will be no scheduled Makeup dates and we have limited seating. Information regarding your testing dates will ONLY be sent to your DADESCHOOLS EMAIL.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) will offer a summer administration of the Florida Statewide Assessments End-of-Course (EOC). Therefore, Miami-Dade County Public Schools will provide an opportunity for students to take the Algebra 1 EOC in selected schools on July 18-21, 2022. American Sr High School WILL be opened for the test administration during Summer 2022.
If your child will take the Algebra 1 EOC, please fill out the survey below no later than Thursday, July 14, 2022. Please provide a valid email address on the form below so that you can receive notification of your student’s testing date and time; in addition, your student will be notified of the testing date and time via their email account.
For more information regarding the EOC assessments, you may visit the FLDOE website accessible here. Please contact Mrs. Baez at if you have any questions.
Please use the link to register.