Robert Morgan Educational Center is now a Title I School
What is Title I?
Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools.The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. Its purpose is to address the academic needs of students and to assist them in meeting their state’s academic standards. The program serves millions of children in public elementary and secondary schools each year including eligible students in private schools.
Title I Funding:
The Florida Department of Education receives funds from the federal government. Districts receive Title I funds from Department of Education, and the school district distributes these funds to schools based on the percentage of children eligible for free/reduced price lunch; however, students do not have to be from low-income families to receive help. Robert Morgan Education Center implements a school-wide program, all students benefit from the supplemental services provided by Title I.
Title I funds are used to supplement the program at the school by providing funds which support the following types of activities:
*Additional teachers and paraprofessionals to create smaller classes
*Additional training for school staff
*Extra time for instruction (Before and/or after school programs)
*Parental Involvement Activities
*A variety of supplemental teaching methods and materials
Title I Budget:
Parents assist in deciding how to use Title I funds.
Please attend meetings or complete surveys about our Title I Budget.
All Title I schools must document that parents were involved in the budget process.
Input from the Principal, Parents, School Advisory Council, and School Staff determines how Title I funds will be used.
Parents Rights to Know:
As a Title I parent you have the right to be involved in the development of the following plans and documents for our school:
*School Improvement Plan (SIP)
*Parent Involvement Plan (PIP) for the school and district
You may request and attend meetings to express your opinions and to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of your children.
*Please review these documents and attend meetings or complete surveys to share your input…we need and want you to be involved.